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Extremity Venous Anatomy and Sonographic Evaluation

  • Thin walled, collapsible
  • Still allows for some dilatation and constriction
  • Media layer thinner than artery
  • Walls of the upper extremity veins contain much less muscle than walls of the veins in the lower extremity and especially the feet; this is due to hydrostatic pressure
  • Progressive increase in size as they get closer to heart
  • Most contain valves
  • Veins originate distally as venules in the extremity(hands/feet) and travel to right atrium
  • Capillary beds are composed of intima only and connect to venules
  • Venules are composed of intima and adventitia layers only (no media layer)
  • Pressure in the venules normally does not exceed 20mmHg
  • 80% of the blood in the body is found in the venous system
  • Concomitant veins - refers to a vein that is usually paired, with a vein lying on either side of a single artery
    • Radial, ulnar, PTV, ATV, peroneal and gastrocnemius veins are example of concomitant veins
***Remember proximal used to be defined as closest to the point of origin*** BUT current vascular nomenclature refers to proximal as being closest to the heart  EX: The "proximal" SFV is in the upper thigh and closer to the heart than the "distal" SFV in the lower thigh
Vein walls are composed of the same three layers as an artery but the media layer is much thinner. The venous valves are extensions of the intimal layer.

Central Veins:
  •  Inferior Vena Cava IVC - confluence of iliac veins
  •  Hepatic veins
  •  Superior Vena Cava SVC - confluence of innominate veins
  •  Portal vein-confluence of SMV and splenic vein

Lower Extremity Deep Veins:
Deep digital veins > metatarsal veins > Deep venous arches > PTVs and peroneal veins > tibioperoneal trunk > ATVs > popliteal vein > superficial femoral vein > common femoral vein > external iliac vein
  • Veins in the lower extremity originate at the confluence of the venules of the deep digital veins
  • Metatarsal veins drain the blood from the foot and merge into the deep venous arches
  • Deep venous arches empty their blood into tibial veins
  • Calf and forearm veins are referred to as venae comitantes because 2 veins of the same name follow the same course as a single artery of the same name
Anterior Tibial Veins:
  • Drain blood from the anterior calf
  • 2 veins originate at the plantar arches
  • Course cephalad anterolateral to the tibial bone and the interosseous membrane to reach the tibioperoneal trunk
  • Travels between the tibial head and fibula head to join the popliteal vein
  • Best scan approach is anterior calf with slightly lateral probe position
Posterior Tibial Veins:
  • Drain blood from the posterior calf
  • 2 veins originate at the confluence of the plantar arches
  • At the ankle the PTVs course posterior to the medial malleolus and anterior to the Achilles' tendon then course cephalad through the calf posterior to the tibial bone
  • Best scan approach is to place probe on the medial calf, angling through to the lateral side; PTVs most anterior on image and peroneals visible beneath them
Peroneal Veins:
  • Drain blood from the lateral calf
  • In the lower calf/ankle 2 veins course lateral to the PTVs and medial to the fibula,
  • Continue in a cephalad course up the midline of the posterior calf, posterior to the fibula
  • 2 peroneal veins and 2 posterior tibial veins merge to form a single tibio-peroneal trunk in the upper calf
  • Best scan approach is to place probe on the medial calf, angling through to the lateral side; PTVs most anterior on image and peroneals visible beneath them
Popliteal Vein:
  • Tibioperoneal trunk merges with the two anterior tibial veins to form the popliteal vein in the popliteal fossa
  • Courses posterior to the popliteal artery
  • Becomes the femoral vein at adductor hiatus in the distal thigh
  • Best scan approach is to place probe on the posterior popliteal fossa; popliteal vein demonstrated ANTERIOR to the popliteal artery on the image due to the scan approach
Femoral Vein:
  • AKA superficial femoral vein (SFV); nomenclature recommendations remove the term superficial to alleviate confusion regarding this deep vein
  • Extends from adductor hiatus to join the profunda femoral vein at the groin
  • Courses posterior to the femoral artery
Profunda Femoral Vein:
  • AKA deep femoral vein (DFV); nomenclature recommendations remove the terms superficial and deep to alleviate confusion regarding both of these veins being part of the deep venous system
  • Joins the femoral vein to form the common femoral vein just below inguinal ligament
  • Drains the muscles in the thigh (quadriceps)
Common Femoral Vein:
  • Formed by the junction of the FV and PFV, just below the inguinal ligament
  • Courses beneath the inguinal ligament
  • Becomes external iliac vein just above inguinal ligament at the groin crease
  • Courses medial and posterior to common femoral artery
Internal Iliac Vein:
  • Courses medial to the external iliac vein
  • Drains the pelvic organs (NOT the gonads)
External Iliac Vein:
  • Courses lateral to the internal iliac vein and anterior to the external iliac artery
  • Joins the internal iliac vein to form the common iliac vein
Common Iliac Vein:
  • Courses anterior to the common iliac artery
  • Right and left common iliac veins merge at the level of L5 to form the IVC
  • IVC empties into the right atrium

Klippel - Trenaunay - Weber Syndrome:
  • Congenital absence of the deep veins
  • Causes numerous superficial varicosities and clusters of varicosities
Lower Extremity Superficial Veins:
  • Located within 2cm of the skin surface
  • Course within the subcutaneous fat layer of the leg
  • Veins of the superficial system always course between the superficial and deep fascial layers; use this characteristic location to differentiate from dilated tributaries of the superficial system
Great Saphenous Vein (GSV):
  • Longest vein in the body
  • Originates on the dorsum of the foot at the medial end of the distal venous arch
  • Travels anterior to the medial malleolus
  • Ascends medial thigh with the great saphenous nerve
  • Penetrates the deep fascia through the foramen ovale in the groin and terminates the saphenofemoral junction
  • Saphenofemoral junction (SFJ) is adjacent to the inguinal ligament
  • Also connects to deep system through multiple perforating veins
  • Superficial epigastric vein is the most proximal tributary of the GSV and usually descends into groin to join the GSV near the saphenofemoral junction
  • Commonly used as a bypass graft for cardiac and arterial bypass surgery
Anterior Accessory Saphenous Vein (AASV):
  • Most easily identified at the groin
  • Ascends along the thigh to join the GSV near the groin
  • Differentiated from the GSV by its course anterior to the femoral artery instead of medial to it (GSV)
  • Not visible in all patients; can be a sign of dilated superficial system and reflux
Small Saphenous Vein (SSV):
  • AKA short saphenous vein
  • Dorsal vein of the little toe joins the lateral end of the dorsal venous arch to form the SSV
  • Originates posterior to lateral malleolus and Achilles tendon
  • Ascends along the midline aspect of posterior calf to enter the popliteal space between the two heads of the gastrocnemius muscles
  • Usually joins the popliteal vein in knee/distal thigh area but many variations in termination possible
  • Course of the vessel on the posterior calf described as a "stocking seam"
  • Numerous small vessels connect the SSV to the GSV in the calf

  • Connect superficial and deep systems to equalize pressure between the two systems
  • Begin in the saphenous compartment and penetrate the deep fascia to join the deep veins
  • Normal flow is described as centripetal or from superficial system toward the center of the leg to the deep system
  • Each perforator has one valve that allows unilateral flow direction from superficial to deep
  • PTV connected to distal GSV near ankle
  • 3 ankle perforators called posterior tibial perforators (formerly Crockett's Perforators)
  • Paratibial perforators (formerly Boyd's Perforators) located in the knee area; connect GSV to PTVs
  • Distal thigh perforators (Dodd's Perforators) located in distal thigh; connect GSV to FV
  • Hunterian Perforators located in proximal thigh; connect GSV to FV
  • Lateral perforator connects to SSV near the mid calf
  • Each leg normally has about 100 perforators
  • Normally <2mm diameter, >4mm usually has reflux
  • Flow is normally from superficial system to deep system****
  • Ankle perforator damage/dilatation involved in stasis ulcers
  • Dilated perforators can occur in response to DVT formation
Communicating Veins:
  • Connect the great and short saphenous veins
  • Never penetrate the deep fascia
  • Posterior arch vein extends cephalad from the ankle to join the GSV in the mid calf; communicates with the posterior tibial perforators (Crockett's perforators) and plays a major role in venous stasis ulcers
  • Vein of Giacomini originates at the saphenopopliteal junction (SSV/POP) behind the knee and extends up the posterior thigh to become the posterior circumflex vein that joins the GSV

Sural Veins (sinusoid or saccular veins):
  • Serve as blood reservoirs for the legs
  • Important for calf muscle pump and lower extremity venous flow
  • Gastrocnemius Plexus:
    • Group of calf veins
    • Have an accompanying artery with each set
    • Usually seen as two pairs, lateral and medial sets
    • May see three pairs
    • Most commonly drain into the popliteal vein
    • cannot be followed to the ankle and this characteristic can be used to differentiate them from the tibial veins
  • Soleal Plexus/Soleal Sinuses:
    • Thick walled reservoirs within the soleal muscle
    • No artery with them
    • Do NOT contain valves
    • Drain into either the posterior tibial or peroneal veins
    • Most lower extremity DVT starts in these vessels
  • Extensions of the intimal layer
  • Valves contain two leaflets (bicuspid)
  • Primary purpose is to allow unilateral flow direction in veins
  • Helps keep flow moving from superficial to deep system and from peripheral to deep veins
  • The GSV has the most valves because it is the longest vein in the body and it is located outside the muscle tissue
  • Each perforating vein has a single valve
Venous valves normally allow flow to move in one direction in the vessel, toward the heart.
Note the thin echogenic flaps of the venous valve as it opens and closes.

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