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Extending your subscription

Who can extend their subscription?

In April 2020 we expanded the extension option to all Sonographers because of the delay in testing ability through Pearson Vue. Although the majorty of the products on the site are designed to be completed within a 1-month time period, this expanded extension option still remains in effect. Any active account can be extended for an additional month, if the registry exam has not yet been taken. You may add 1 extension per month to your subscription. You may extend your access each month to continue to prepare for the registry exam.

If you have passed the registry, you can still extend your subscription to the review course. Practice exam access cannot be extended after registry success. If your initial subscription included the review course, you may extend your subscription to the course for as long as you would like to use it for a reference.


How do I extend my subscription?
Sonographers with accounts that include review course access:

If you have access to the review course, you can extend your access at any time by logging in to the review course and using the purple button that says "Click here to extend your subscription". Follow the instructions on the next page and submit your payment. If you receive a receipt, one month of additional access will be added to your current expiration date.

Sonographers with accounts that include just practice exam access:

You will receive an email 4-5 days prior to your expiration date that contains a link for the extension. Click the link and follow the instructions on the next page to submit your payment. If you receive a receipt, one month of additional access will be added to your current expiration date.


What if my account expired, can it be reactivated and extended?

If your access has expired, please email us as soon as possible to request an extension.

All full site packages that are inactive for 30 days will be removed from the system. The full site packages include access to the review course, click to learn exams and mock registry exams.

All other accounts that are inactive for 7 days will be removed from the system. If you account has been purged, it cannot be reactivated or extended.

Please keep in mind that in order to use the extension option, your access must be continuous from your original date of access. When your account is reactivated, it will be available for 1 month from your most recent expiration date.